Welcome to the NEW Iron Ridge Railroad. As you might have heard, the Western Valley officially merged with the IR to form a brand new Iron Ridge, with the same devotion that the origional WV had.
 | Built in N Scale, this layout has many of the same characteristics of the Western Valley in that there is no complex wiring, it's not based on a prototype and it's not a sprawling mass of trackwork, although compared to the WV being only 2' x 4' anything else is sprawling. This time around though I've opted for the same scenery materials that brought me the realism that is shown in the Western Valley and brought them over to the Iron ridge. |
Styrofoam is the choice of mountains, valleys, and kind of ironic is the fact that the styrofoam to build the IR acually came from the refurbishing of a VIA rail station. But this time is a little different as I have decided to scratchbuild almost everything, including rolling stock. As soon as I get time I will have pages which describe the processes, mistakes and ideas I had when building my GP38 Hi Hood and IR well cars. But now, on to the photos to get things happening.
 | Here you see: ex-CSX GP38 #768 local high up on the mainline rolling through the Devin mountain range and on it's way to Nicholas Junction. |
ex-CSX GP38 #787 rolls along the mainline trestle while ex-Conrail #5401 (still numbered for Conrail) is on the branchline. This is a railfanners dream come true since here is the only place you can see two trestles cross each other at different elevations. Trestles were scratchbuilt with skewersticks and matchsticks. |  |
 | Too close for comfort is sometimes a rule for an avid railfanner. Taking a picture of GP38 #787 I felt a rush of wind as GP38 Hi Hood #778 went by in a blur on the branchline. |
ex-CSX GP38 #787 holds the mainline as ex-CSX #768 and IR #778 venture down the opposite direction on the branchline. |  |
 | Ever play chicken with a train. Operation Lifesaver tells us not to but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get an action shot like this. Please kids do not try this at home. |
Okay so this one is just plain stupid...think I had better get out of the way. |  |
 | Looking past the branchline office (notice the CN markings still on the caboose), #768 creeps by on it's way to Taylor and beyond. |
This one is probably my favorite picture. Here's soon to be #621 GP7 still in Conrail paint, easing it's consist down the branchline. Painting of the whole roster will begin as soon as possible. |  |
Well, that's the tour for now. Better pictures will be along as soon as I get a decent camera and more pictures are yet to come. Also included in this new railroad site will be a HOW TO section on the cheap way to scratchbuild a GP38 Hi Hood and scratchbuilding well cars to suit a tight radius layout. Stay tuned for more photos, more action, just plain more model railroading.